Action expresses priorities ~ Gandhi

On April 20th, an explosion on a BP oil rig caused an underwater pipe to begin gushing millions of gallons of crude oil into the Gulf Coast.The spill is developing into a national disaster of epic proportions. The best estimates are still, as of May 20 just that - estimates. This causes me great angst. I am intimately familiar with the Gulf Coast area. I spent a very formative year in Pensacola, Florida. During that year, I met an amazing community of people, and they in turn helped me (an inexperienced, naïve, native New Mexican) not only survive, but weather hurricane Ivan. That experience fostered a better understanding for me of what it means to be a part of a local/global community.

I have been spending a lot of time watching, reading and absorbing all of the information being released on everything related to the oil spill and its effect on the Gulf Coast, all the while wondering what I can do to help.

The non-profit organization Matter of Trust based in San Francisco, in conjunction with salons across the country, is making it possible for all of us to participate in the cleanup efforts underway in the Gulf Coast. Salons can donate cut hair to be used as stuffing in huge nylon booms. The stuffed booms will then be used to help soak up the oil and act as barriers along the Gulf Coast shores.


I got my hair cut today. I definitely needed the cut, a little overall shaping and a quick pick-me-up for the summer. As my stylist was finishing up, we began discussing the ripple effect this one small action can have overall. It felt good knowing that I was participating in efforts to protect the local landscape of the Gulf Coast and beyond.

Check with your local Joy of Spa salon member to see if they are participating in the Gulf Coast oil spill clean up. It is an easy and effective way for each of us to participate in our local community and effect change globally.


NPR: Sopping Up An Oil Slick With Castaway Hair


Boston Herald: Spas donate hair to gulf oil cleanup

Matter of Trust 

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