Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. – Soren Kierkegaard

We all have those moments where something in our present triggers a memory of an experience from our past. As the quiet solitude of Autumn begins to unfurl I find myself wondering through past experiences and reflecting on the foundations that were being paved for my current journey. There is exquisite beauty in observing the intricate patterns woven between our past and present experiences that somehow give rise to the future. The graceful descent of this magnificent season provides a nurturing space for reflection on the delicate balance and direction in life.

Lately, I have been drawn to understand the experiences of my past and how they have given shape to my present journey. In this reflection I have discovered pockets of fear as well as genuine revelations regarding choices and decisions I have made. I have also discovered that past experiences provide the palate of colors we use to create the brilliance in life. It is easy to allow fear to overshadow the balance of past and present while reflecting on growth. For me, the key to this process is focusing on the unexpected gifts received from each experience. This allows me to dissolve my fears as well as any negative attachment I have created surrounding past experiences.

To embrace the past and move forward, I have found the following meditations or internal mantras to be extremely helpful.

Each day is a new one, and every experience allows us to be where we are.

This is a simple concept; however, for me it requires the ongoing process of accepting each experience as a whole. It is easy to become fixed on one particular view of an experience because the outcome produced a result that was different from the expectation.

When this occurs, I have found the best way to move forward with the experience is to change my original focus of the experience. Looking at the experience from the present creates an entirely different perspective and allows me to see an unexpected outcome of the experience in question. Each experience has a purpose. The purpose that you see, or how you relate to the event, depends almost entirely on your focal point.  Allowing the reflections to change my focus create a greater understanding of how each experience is a integral part of the day to day.  

No step on the path is wasted ~ Buddha

This is one of my favorite affirmations for reflecting on past experiences. It creates the powerful realization that my experiences are central to the balance in life. This also helps me realign the monkey-mind that I find occurs when I drift away from the purpose of my reflection. Each decision or choice made is a solid step on our path, and was provided at that moment in time.

Autumn reminds me that being gracious and giving thanks is a circuitous rhythm that is critical for me to observe in my daily life. The crispness of the season and sudden changes remind me that every moment is fleeting. Life is lived in each moment. Living in each moment allows me to truly embrace who I am, giving me the grace and courage to radiate the beauty of what is authentic and magical about my life.

Each day is a leap of faith—to reflect on the past for what it has given and risk opening each new experience with the knowledge gained is my way of embracing an extraordinary life.

2 Responses...

Anonymous says:
October 4, 2011 at 6:41 AM
This is just what I needed this morning! Thank you for sending it!
Anonymous says:
October 4, 2011 at 6:58 PM
I've just begun a memoir writing class. Thoughts like this will add so much to my stories. It brings to mind the saying,"When the student is ready, the teacher will appear". Thank you
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