Every challenge is a pivotal point in life, an opportunity to become stronger, wiser and to refine the beauty that is our lives. But, that growth can’t be achieved without first acknowledging our worth and loving ourselves at the core.

Have you found that all your hard work and effort isn’t getting you closer to your life goals? It seems that no matter how hard you try, the struggle isn’t producing the desired result.

Before you head toward that bad place where self defeat and self doubt reign supreme, decide to change the way you frame it. Recognize that disappointments and failure don’t define you but instead represent a small sliver of life that needs an adjustment or pivot. Take a few meditative breaths and realize the opportunity you’ve been given-a chance to change your approach and take something that’s not working in a fresh new direction.

Don’t be afraid to let a bad idea or stagnating life strategy fail because you don’t want the world to know you missed the mark. Instead, just go with your gut and let your intuition lead you in a new direction for a change. A small modification in your strategy could produce unprecedented success and it's right there waiting for you to discover and take the risk.

Look around for mentors and examples of those heroes who have been willing to take risks, follow their dreams and find success despite the setbacks along the way. Moving forward, the opportunity to take your life in a new, transformative direction should be received with gratitude and optimism, despite the unknowns and hardships.

Most truly successful people in this world know they won’t find success without a fight, and they know for certain that choosing the safe, predicable route will lead to a boring and expected result. The foreseeable will never bring any of us to a new-enlightened place, but failure, while messy, is the best and fastest method known for recognizing new potential in any problem or situation.

So roll up your sleeves, start getting dirty by taking a long, honest look at your approach to life, projects, opportunities, and challenges and then observe the parts that are lagging behind. It’s time to look for a new path, harness new potential and direct a new course with some decisive action. Any great idea or superlative design is useless without decisive action and energy to move it forward.

Ultimately, when you find the success you desire, take a moment to see that it’s a continuous process loop of learning and growing that makes you stronger and reveals an even more beautiful and richer version of life.

There is such power in being able to observe rather than inflicting self-sabotage when things don’t work out as planned. That heightened ability to observe, without blame, comes more naturally as we see, in hindsight, the ultimate value in any fail.

Some of us need a nudge, while others prefer to be clobbered before taking a clue from the universe to look for the massive potential in life’s messes. It might require a slight revision, a full adaptation or a search for an external solution buried at the bottom of the pile. Despite the mess, you must be wiling to go all the way back to the beginning to unearth what might have been left for trash or been sorted wrong from the very start. The answers might be small and simple or big and complex; regardless the fail will unravel and reveal that nugget of truth in the end.

The truth refines our life, makes it better, richer and more intense. It gives gravity to the day, the hour and to this very second of our precious life. Truth is sharp but its edge delivers sweet insight and clarity that makes us wiser, smarter and stronger beings in need of continuous enlightenment.

So ask yourself honestly, what’s holding you back from your version of success right now?


1 Response...

Cathy R. says:
February 2, 2012 at 1:02 PM
Really good and enlightening information. Thanks.
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