My physician eyed my big, red and throbbing toe and warned, 'That’s a horrible in-grown toenail. Do you want me to make an appointment for you with a podiatrist?’ Honestly I hardly noticed it was there and scoffed at the idea of having someone else perform the task of relieving the pain. I routinely put my feet through the paces training for triathlons and generally take matters into my own hands when it comes to in-grown toenails and foot care in general.

Later, as I sat on the toilet to perform painful surgery on my big toe I thought of last year's excruciating Plantar fasciitis and the weird nail fungus my girlfriend received during her last pedicure visit. It was not right, I was treating my feet poorly and it would have repercussions for me down the road.

It set me on a course to repair and care for the thing that truly keeps me going. Here is what I learned.

Get a Foot Massage
Extremely tired and worn feet need a reprieve. A foot massage is one of the best ways to alleviate tension, reduce fatigue and relieve the stress that is put on our feet. My local spa has a 30-minute Feet Treat, that includes a massage, scrub and warm towels wrapped around the feet to finish off the treatment.
Pedicure and Sterility Go Together
I learned that my girlfriend's toe fungus is just one of the many contagions women will find at a run-of-the- mill nail establishment. Take the time to do some research to find a local day spa or salon that practices appropriate sterilization techniques and that will take the time to perform a pedicure correctly. The American Podiatric Medical Association offers these suggestions to reduce the risk of infection or injury.
Wear goddess flip-flops that give you some support
I know 'anatomic foot support' is not a sexy characteristic for a shoe but there are times when a little support and the freedom of flip-flops are a must. It’s a universal truth that a bit of support goes a long way.
Don’t go barefoot at the pool or locker room
Unless you really want plantar warts or athlete’s foot, ugh.
Treat your cracked heels
I have read countless articles and consulted my dermatologist. I self-treated my dry heels, but if your heels do not get better with my routine, make sure you see a dermatologist or podiatrist for further consult.
  • After showering, file your heels with a 'foot filer' or pumice stone. Gently file the heel in one direction until it is smooth.
  • Rub in super-hydrating lotion and then put socks on your feet and wear them to bed; my husband loves that part.
  • Try not to wear flip-flops all the time, although honestly there is nothing better than a post work flip-flop jaunt to the pool.
  • Within a week or two you will see results, just kept up the routine.
  • Local spas may carry Mama Bomb or Ski Bomb. Yes Mama Bomb is for stretch marks but it handles dry heels beautifully.
Cut toenails straight across
This is a critical step to avoid in-grown toenails.
Cut straight across and avoid cutting the corners of your nail too short. You should be able to get your fingernail under the toenail.
If you must file the corners do it lightly and not too short.
Make sure your running shoes fit
I pity the professionals who staff the first aid stations at marathons; I can only imagine the foot issues they see. Here is some great advice from Runners World about shoe fit to avoid foot ailments, including runners black toe.
Smelly shoes get Zip-lock Freezer Treatment
My kids have really smelly shoes and feet, an unbelievable downer on a long car ride. Here is how to get rid of shoe smell.
  • Did you know most drugstores carry insoles with bacteria killers baked in? Go get some.
  • Put smelly shoes in a Zip-Lock bag and then the freezer. Bacteria will be history, finito.
  • Use over-the-counter foot odor products that are available at most drugstores.
Routinely have your foot size measured
Your foot changes size over time, especially after pregnancy so take the time to have your feet measured when you are buying shoes, especially shoes that you will be wearing often.
  • Have your shoes measured at the end of the day-that is when they are the largest.
  • One of your feet is probably slightly larger than the other so use that foot to gauge whether the shoe fits properly.
  • Make sure the shoes fit properly in the toe box.
Wax hair on toes and feet
If you shave this hair it won’t get lighter in color so stick to waxing. Salons and spas do a great job and it will make your feet look polished.

Summer is the perfect time to wander barefoot through green, luscious grass and show off your beautiful feet and manicured toes. Just follow these tips and make sure you are doing all that you can to keep your feet healthy and looking fabulous.

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Read more in 2009 - Summer, Pedicure